Questions & Answers

I was declined on a dispute due to they said the package was delivered. How do I find out when it was delivered?

Asked by Shari T. on 4/7/2020

3 Answers
Peter H.12/9/2020

You Will never get any help from scampal oh sorry PayPal. They take no responsability for anything. Its like a Giants money laundry company. Stay away
Chris D.7/1/2020

USPS delievered it to the wrong address my pacakge was supposed to be delievered too 35710 Bay Morgan Ln, Fallbrook, CA 92028 when USPS delivered it to an address simillar to this one 12354 Alcatal Street (do not know the exact address since they did not email me, but you can call USPS and ask, and that is how I found out) Fallbrook, CA 92028, right city and zip code, far away address.
Nancy D.2/7/2021

Get proof of delivery from USPS and call your bank!

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