Chinese based or philipines? Custoumer service says phil, and website china.

asked by Rune b. on 9/30/15

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user dereky3

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Regardless they have terrible Customer Service. Their english is not proficient to be doing business in the US and their work ethic is just terrible. It's a shame that they show the stereotypical greed of chinese who just does it for money and doesn't care what gets in the way and cuts too many corners to be acceptable to be called "The world’s safest player to player trading marketplace for WOW Gold, Runescape Gold, Guild Wars 2 Gold, ArcheAge Gold, CS: GO items and much more."

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Thumbnail of user jordano9

With all my efforts and an actual phone call from them it seemed they were based here in the U.S. I'm sure with such a large company like this it could be based in several counties. When you deal with the actual seller they can be based all around the globe. Mine was from the Netherlands that ended up stealing my money. I would only recommend buying items (gold, merch, in game items etc.) buying accounts has super high recovery rate from the seller that it's an almost guarantee they will recover the account and steal your money in the process. Playerauctions did an absolute terrible job helping me resolve the issue and took weeks to get back to me WEEKS! Good luck.

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