How do you delete a man you no longer want on your page? He's a total fake!

asked by Evelyn c. on 4/5/15

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user carolynh28

Fake doesn't really describe them... more like downright liars!

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Thumbnail of user sw447

90% percent of the men on pof are on ashely madison so dont expect a man to give you any respect so never pay anything to the site give emails or personal info to people that have only one pic

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Thumbnail of user marieb54

If he has sent you a message, next to the message you can block him

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Thumbnail of user laras11

You can block him from sending you messages, but he can still look at your profile.

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Thumbnail of user jamesh156

Yeah. POF has some serious issues. The biggest problem with dating sites is that people on them are looking for perfection. And of course it is not to be found on a site or in the real world. I met a woman on POF in 2009 that I ended up being with for almost 5 years. So it is possible, but you may have to kiss a few frogs, so to speak.

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Thumbnail of user johnc247

You have the option to block messages from any user. I quit the site but remember that on the page of emails you have the option to block the person. I'm not exactly sure what you mean you no longer want the man "on your page". Which "page" are you speaking about? If you mean the page of people online who fit your desired characteristics, there's nothing you can do. "Fake" describes about half the people on POF... and that's being charitable.

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