Questions & Answers

What made you choose over similar businesses?

Asked by Nicole K. on 1/27/2019

3 Answers
Tessa A.12/16/2020

Before Prestige, I actually trained with Barbizon. Between the two businesses, Prestige is MUCH more effective and actually provides the necessary resources to help their trainees. As far as cost, yes, it is a bit costly, but for a reasonable amount for a reasonable schedule. Lastly, Bridgett proved to me that she really would get me signed no matter how long it took.
Carolyn S.12/28/2020

I just so happened to see an ad on FB and saw that they were doing a Zoom audition. It worked for my daughter as we are on the other side of the country. I did some research and found out that they were legit and reputable, so when she made the audition, we kept going until the final showcase in Las Vegas.
David F.1/27/2019

They are patient and kind. They treat the parents with respect and treat the children with love. Mark and Bridgett are amazing. If you are near the LA area, Annette would work with your kids. We have been with them for about 4 weeks now and I am totally impressed. I came back here to leave a review just now and noticed some questions from other users. I hope you find success. Good luck.

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