Questions & Answers

Are the taxes and fees completely disclosed her or am I gonna get blind-sided with other fees "you weren't told about"? (Notwithstanding additional insurance options>0

Asked by MICHAEL D. on 9/28/2016

7 Answers
william g.9/29/2016

The agreed to price is inclusive. I would look at dollar's website before renting from Priceline. There is no layer of protection from prcln.
Cheryle J.9/29/2016

Agreed I think they are included. My issue was no refund when I tried to cancel. I also switched to Costco travel much cheaper better service. I will never use Priceline again!
Luis R.9/28/2016

I also think that they are included, but you will not get a refund in case you need to cancel. I also will never use them again!
William B.2/27/2018

Beware of local high mileage fees. Priceline advertises unlimited free mileage but if you rent a car in the town you live in, you can get blindsided with these fees. Advantage Car Rental charged $20 per day. Priceline hides these fees in the fine print AFTER your purchase. In general, stick with better known car rental companies who have a reputation to protect.
Lorinda E.9/29/2016

I don't remember being upset when my reservation went thru priceline itself. But sometimes it is actually sent through s sister sight and that has upset me greatly. I honestly don't remember what happened but I know I was mad enough to decide I would no longer use Priceline. And, I do think price discrepancy was part of the issue. I wrote a review. I would suggest reading reviews for any business before using them. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is
Margo A.9/28/2016

I think all the taxes and fees are included, but the star rating is not accurate in my opinion. Thought I was booking a three star and we certainly didn't get that class of hotel.
Vernon F.9/28/2016

I think they are. But be sure you don't have to cancel. I had to go to hopsital and cancelled a rental csr... lost all my money. They bill you right off. If you looking for a car rent... go to Costco travel site. Cheaper... no cancel fee... dont pay til end... much, much better... i will never use priceline again

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