asked by
on 6/3/10Mary T. Talking about downloading,. In her style,. Got me excited because that's exactly how I feel. I love the "Victory" feeling whenever I catch a great Sound and have my {deluxe) Cassette Recorder ready for action,... It's wierd that I know better systems are available, but,. It's not the same, I also blend in wierd stuff between music. I've tested my creations on friends who are stuck on CD mode... They Love it,.! Of course I have no real life and have plenty of time to capture Blibs off my TV{hooked up to my other cassette recorder} but the point is,... I'M An Original.! Original is GOD! People u should get it.! Mary T. Is awesome. Whoops gotta got go... Appocalopse Now is coming on,. Gotta grab a brand new Cassette tape for this one.!