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Here's a link to show my traffic results: decide for yourself if this is for you or not and let this put to rest that I am a real person and this is a real scam:

Asked by Janagi M. on 5/5/2010

3 Answers
Janagi M.4/5/2010

Rick K. - Send me an email@ and I'll send you my GA results from Oystein's traffic... I am a real person... Janagi was the Paypal account and I am the site owner - Keegan... and I have a feeling you are Oystein otherwise what basis would you have to make such a suggestion. In fact, I will post the results on my site for all to see and start posting that link... that will put an end to your blatant lies and attempt to cover your deceit
Rick K.4/5/2010

The reviews are made of 1 person - Keegan Lee aka. Janagi M. This person has never bought traffic from and cannot be trusted.
Todd L.3/28/2010

Good to know... have you ever bought traffic from other sources that actually work? I'm always a little paranoid about buying traffic and your review is exactly why. Thanks for this info

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