Can I pay only the the initial $1.95, print my resume, then immediately unsubscribe to avoid the cost of $24.99.

asked by Halee L. on 8/16/18

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user dougj2

Thank you for getting in touch with us!
That is correct, you can use our services for a low fee of $1.95 for the 14-day trial and cancel right after to avoid any monthly subscription charges.

Remeber that you may cancel your monthly subscription at any time using any of the following options:
-E-mail us at:
-Call us at:
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-Live Chat:
-From your account go to Settings, then Subscription and Cancel (ON THE TOP RIGHT OF YOUR HOME PAGE WHEN YOU LOGIN)

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Thumbnail of user nilufarb

Please I want to pay only the the initial $1.95, and unfortunately I didn't unsubscribe immediately and was charged by $24.99 during three months = total now is $74,97. I urge you to return back to me $74,97

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