I live on S/S and can not afford to be disappointed. In all honesty how can I risk a purchase from you? Want an ATV but I'm very nervous with the negative reviews.

asked by gary e. on 5/7/16

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user glennh370

You should be nervous. They won't take any responsibility they'll promise to call you back and they won't. They'll blame China... it's not worth risking your money with them.

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Thumbnail of user johnw656

I was very disappointed with them. The standard shipper they use was a company called customco My Trike sat at the LAX Terminal in California for weeks while I think its on route to me. Then when I make calls and do the research it turns out saferwholesale didn't want to pay $1100. 00 to send me what I paid for. So they went with UPS Freight to save a few bucks. Problem with that is it would only as far as Tifton Georgia 70 miles away. I have no tag no License to drive it. They lost the keys wanting me to pay for new ignition switch. Asking me if I know someone with a Fork Lift. Really. I wonder all the positive reviews there getting on this site. It could be saferwholesale attempting to Off set the negative reviews.

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Thumbnail of user carolync46

Use a credit card so you can dispute charges if you need to

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