Looking to buy a 50cc scooter, but it seems like wrong company to order from. Wondering if it is this bad, how are they in buisness still?

asked by Tia M. on 4/23/18

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user jazminb5

Terrible. Please don't do it. We're out of 800 bucks for our son's birthday gift. A moto dirtbike. Engine blew less than 30 minutes of him riding it.

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Thumbnail of user barryw97

Soon enough they will reap what they sow trust me I brought a scooter from them got it two weeks ago three things wrong speedometer fuel gauge MP3 player dont work and its brand new I paid for assembly yes it was! And still issues! Saferwholesale cant even put them together right I hope this helps u! Dont buy from them buy Honda pls save yourself the drama!

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