why are people talking about some of the scooter are not working right, I would heat to spend $2000 with you guys and dont get what i am paying for.

asked by clifford b. on 3/4/17

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user matthews2170

Don't buy from this company they don't do returns. You will get stuck with something if it breaks, or doesn't work for you

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Thumbnail of user robertd343

You need to contact SaferWholesale - this site is NOT their site - this is only a site for people to post questions to other customers. Unfortunately - most people who go to sites like this are going to be complaining. I have no affiliation with them - but I have experience in the motorcycle industry. Most of what I see here is people creating their own problems. The company is easy to reach if you go to their website or call their number. Look at all of the people complaining that they can't reach them - but they are posting here, instead of on their website. Don't expect SaferWholesale (or Chevrolet) to contact you about a question you post here.

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