Why is every single reply I receive from a scam artist. I do know you catch a lot of them. I have received a message, immediately opened it and the person was already deleted

asked by Frank s. on 5/31/15

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user anthonym101

It doesn't require a credit card and I do backround checks and look up there criminal record or to see if that person is impersonating someone else or just using a fake name that doesn't exist.

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Thumbnail of user sk171

As the site is free a fake person can join and send a message right away. As you can imagine they get in and send a few hundred messages. Our scammer detection tools can take a few hours to spot a scammer and when they do all the messages they sent are deleted. This is what you are seeing, it's a side effect of our security. We could delete the entire message but then you would get an email alert and no message what so ever. I hope this clears things up for you. Generally men send messages and females reply. If you get a message from a female that you haven't messaged first then be on your guard. We are always open with our members and never hide the fact that scammer do operate on our site.

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