Is SAVAGE X FENTY a scam or a legit company?

asked by George C. on 9/2/20

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user krystinem5

SCAM SCAM SCAM! THERE A FEW COMPANIES UNDER THE SAVAGE X FENTY brand. They offer no corporate name, number, address and they will literally hang up when you catch them in a lie. Example: I was told my first order was sent in 2 packages and they are in transit. I said that's a lie because I received my package 3 days ago all in one package. I asked what did they send in the first package and they couldn't tell me which items or even how many items they sent out. They said I was blacklisted and I've only became their new member since 10/25/20. I've only made 2 purchases, didn't receive my items and then you blacklist me? They have over $500 of my money and I have no product. I call "corporate" number and they give you 2 options that will hang up on you either option you choose. It's these small little companies under the brand name like JustFab and Lavender Lingerie and Textile; probably even more companies I'm not sure. But it makes Rihanna's brand look very very bad, untrustworthy and deceitful. Look at their BBB reviews someone rights a review almost everyday about how they got scammed! This is crazy!

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Thumbnail of user laurak349

It is legit. I did receive my items in about a month. I think it is just poorly ran.

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