Does SecretSales charge it's suppliers a fee for selling off old inventory or does it just take a percentage of the sale price to consumers?

asked by Ben S. on 5/5/15

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user fiz5

Sorry, I have no idea. I am only a happy customer.

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Thumbnail of user gabriellee1

I don't know, try this:
I can tell you I just bought a pair of shoes from the site that were far less expensive than on the brand's own website for the same shoes, not always the case---always scheck out if you can find it cheaper elsewhere before you buy [it's very rare I find it cheaper somewhere else]

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Thumbnail of user malim1

If it is cheaper than I can get it then I order. If not I don't. Just do your research before you order.

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Thumbnail of user poppyc2

I would imagine it would be a mixture of both depending in the kind of sale to the end consumer.

There are two types of purchase a consumer can make with secret sales in my experience.

If the product is being purchased from their Outlet Store, this indicates that Secret Sales owns and is in possession of the stock. I would then assume that they have purchased the products at a discount rate to sell on in bulk.

If the products are part of their daily sales (which take longer to be dispatched to the end consumer) I conclude that these items are advertised for sale at a reduced rate and Secret Sales act as a middle man. They gague interest in the products and basically pre sell the individual items. Once they have been purchased by the end consumer, they place the order with the original supplier.

This is just my understanding of their business model. If I were to offer the same service to compete with them, this is exactly what I would do.
Take advantage of discount bulk purchases for stock for outlet sales, work in partnership with higher end suppliers to provide designer items without the risk of unsold stock.

Hope this helps?


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Thumbnail of user ireneu4

I can't be bothered, as far as I have a good deal, that's fine by me.

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Thumbnail of user stuartb34

Same as above answer. Don't care what or how they charge but the items are always good value. Do not order unless from outlet if you are in a hurry for them though

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Thumbnail of user jasons123

I have no idea, and frankly don't care so long as I believe I'm getting good value, which I always do.

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