I am 52 yrs old and looking for a face moisturizer. Of course, starting to show wrinkles, dark circles, couple age spots and dropping. I still get acne mostly on my chin area. Everything I try feels greasy and gives me more acne. Can you help?

asked by Sue B. on 5/17/17

1 Answer
Thumbnail of user gayleg13

There are a ton of great moisturizing and anti-aging products out there to help you. Sephora has so many that your head will spin, but there are also a lot of drugstore alternatives that are rated just as highly (or better) than a lot of higher-end ones. I would do some research online before ever stepping foot into a store like Sephora (trust me - they will bombard you with very expensive things you don't need). Honestly, I really like Ulta as a store better than Sephora because they carry both drugstore, middle-end, and higher-end products. (MUCH better service, too)
But before you go anywhere, Google things like "best anti-aging products for mature skin" or things like that. Using multiple products, such as a glycolic toner, a serum, as well as a moisturizer is a good idea. One thing that is FANTASTIC for wrinkles and dark spots is Retin-A, but you have to get a prescription for it and it is harsh on your skin (especially if you're sensitive). It literally kills off your top layer of skin (which leads to a very annoying period of your face peeling for a few weeks), but once you get over the growing pains, your skin is amazing. I was diagnosed with melasma, which is hyperpigmentation of the skin, on my face, so my doctor gave me Retin-A and hydroquinone, which really works at fading dark spots. If you can't afford the Retin-A (mine is over $200 a tube), there are a lot of great OTC products that contain retinol and work well, just not like the Rx version. Neutrogena has a great line of products for dark spots and wrinkles.
But like I said, do your research and don't let sales reps push you into really expensive products, because they get a commission, and you may get stuck with a bad product and an empty wallet. Hope this helps!

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