Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from SetMySite staff and previous consumers.
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answered within 1 day
Pretty easy. My personal webmaster is really good about answer his phone or returning my call quickly if he misses me. Super quick with email responses. The request tool they have in my opinion is the best part. You can leave your request right on top of the website so they can see where you're wanting edits. Haven't worked with another company that offers that feature but it's such a time saver.
By Shanaya G., over a year old
I want to sell through my website - is this standard with SetMySite and/or how much will it cost me?
Hi Colleen. We most definitely offer ecommerce capabilities that will allow you to sell products of virtually any kind. Please take a look at our website and check out our Venutre Plan which allows you to sell your products through your website. Our service includes the design and setup of your ecommerce site, as well as hosting and updates. Please note, however, that we do not do product management on your behalf. You would have to manage your own products on the website. Hope this helps!
By Mark S., over a year old
We'd be happy to help. We could do anything from a straight forward, modern website with simple functions to a more elaborate site an ecommerce functions that would allow your friend to sell physical copies of the book or even digital downloads of the book. Check out our website for the different plans ( or give us a call. We'd be happy to help you pick a plan or suggest another website company that might be more suitable. Either way, we're happy to help. Thanks for your interest, Jackie. Cheers
By Mark S., over a year old
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