Is SilkSilky a scam or a legit company?

asked by Virginia I. on 7/6/23

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user anchornow1

I won't know until my expenditure is finally refunded.

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Thumbnail of user bjoerng2

Seems real to us. We ordered 5 items, received ALL as per our order in very professionally packed box and in brand new quality within a very short time after placing our order. Looking to buy more items.

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Thumbnail of user clareb164

Company may be legit but they are absolute SCAM ARTISTS

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Thumbnail of user hannay16

It is trustable company, I did two purchases successfully

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Thumbnail of user carolynpdressler

100% silk camisole and mixed medium underwear (silk and polyester mix). Still amazing quality, I think.

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Thumbnail of user alisone122

It's real - I've placed more than 1 order, received lovely items, emailed and reached customer service about a color question, initiated an exchange, etc.

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Thumbnail of user flickerbooger95

They are a scam in the sense that they advertise "real silk" but actually send you basic satin. Like buying "real diamonds" and getting glass, 100% fraud.

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