How much you might pay for tax and duties in Canada if you buy from this website? I want to order 3 cases for my Iphone 6 and it adds up to $115 but im scared that i might end up paying around $160-$170 in total, taxes included when it gets to Canada.

asked by Amir M. on 6/20/15

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user builla

I'm sorry for the delay responding to you on this. Unfortunately, we're unable to charge import taxes before hand. So you would have to cover duties since the shipment would be coming from the United States. I would definitely recommend checking with Canadian Customs to see what the requirements are for charging duties and break your order up into smaller orders. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support in the link at the top of our SiteJabber Page.

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Thumbnail of user alicem44

I don't know, but I do know they have a "help" and a "contact us" on their website. I did contact them thru their web-site and they were great and I heard back by the next day. I'm sure they would answer your question, they are great.

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Thumbnail of user brigetted

I ordered a tank top from them and didn't incur any duties when the parcel crossed over to Canada. It's really a hit or miss when it comes to getting slapped with duties or not. If you reeeeallyyyyy want the 3 iphone cases then just go for it and take a gamble. Seeing how lightweight and small the iphone cases are, the parcel will most likely not get flagged by Canada Customs.

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Thumbnail of user stacib3

I don't know, does society have a faq section? Or just call to place your order and ask. Sorry.

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