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I am a honest person but from what I have seen everything is true and I am starting to notice it. I am even scared because this week is my second week of training and if I don't do good I feel like I am going to be one of those that's going to be tapt on my shoulder and I have plenty Experience on telemarketing but like other people said its not easy at all to get people to go back to school. They don't want to hear it they want a job. So will see what happen since I am a gonna be one of the ones working from home. But as of the money it has me thinking so will see. I just don't like the whole think of they have to qualify and then when you transfer the call to the advisors they take for ever when there is not to many calls or they don't qualify them after you went through all the script and rebuttals to convince them.

Asked by Maria s. on 9/30/2012

3 Answers
Mercedes R.9/21/2012

@Davis P... I totally agree!
Davis P.9/6/2012

People commenting on this seem extremely naive and bitter more than anything else. All you have to do is sit back and truly take a moment to think, which is a foreign concept these days. Is this a scam? Really? Scams are typically ran out of a basement, or at best a small office space. I am a former employee, I can confidently say this is not a scam. I unfortunately did not complete the Manager in Training program, but for anyone paying attention we were clearly told what our goals were. I fell short of my goal and wasn't able to continue. But where most companies don't even provide a call back or interview, Softrock invites all applicants in for an interview and allows several applicants to join the company on what it seems is a trial basis to discovery whether the position is truly a good fit. A lot of times, it's not a good fit. So where others don't even offer a call back, Softrock provides you a chance to see what you can do.

I don't see the problem with this, if you truly have an issue with this continue applying at every other company and hope you get a call back. But if you truly think this is a scam, you are nothing short of an absolute idiot. This is an extremely large company that is well known publicly, and puts itself out there in the press and media continuously. They are growing tremendously in their market, if you take a look at their facilities, their updated tech department, media department, community work, how updated their building and call center are, you can clearly see this is not a scam.

Think about this, 400 employees, in the public, unbelievably modern and updated facility, media and press releases, growing substantially, successfully running for over 7 years and they are still in business? If this was a scam, it never would have got this far.

So, unfortunately I find myself unemployed and seeking stable work. But I will not be one of those bitter unemployed idiots posting negative comments about a successful business. Thousands of employers posting jobs, millions of people looking for a job. A company finds a way to make a profit from it, good for them. I hope you can read this, think about it, and maybe it'll help someone understand.
Rosa R.5/15/2012

Has anyone worked with this company as a Manager? I went in interviewing for a Customer Service Specialist and they wanted to promote my interview to a Manager in Training based on my creditials. After reading all the reviews I am a bit torn on what to do.

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