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on 12/4/18A simple email was responded to in just a few hours
I have clicked on the "live chat" on their website, wrote a question about my order and was assigned a customer service specialist immediately (Cristin). And since it was long-run (customs issues) Cristin was the one handling the inquiry for the all time, informing me via mail about the rpogress and checking with me if I have received the package.
Email communication was super easy, efficient, and fast!
I ordered a "replica" helmet by mistake. What I wanted was an "authentic" helmet. I went through an Account Representative to get to Customer Service. This took place over the Christmas/New Year's holidays, so it did take a while to get the credit. But I DID receive a full credit to my credit card account - no shipping, restocking, etc.
Customer service was great and reaponsive. However, the warehouse needs to improve its quality control, especially in shipping materials. I have never purchased collectibles from a company that provided so little protection for valuable pieces... minimal packaging with almost no protection... until the 5th attempt to get order right.
Very easy. Sent email and got and answer the next day... Fantastic Service
Yes! Extremely simple with almost no wait time (in my experience)
Very easy, and the rep I worked with last week was extremely helpful and pleasant.