How can you look at past results from these public auctions? I would like to see the actual sold prices of certain locations,.
Asked by Givetharopeiftheydonthan K. on 8/18/2017
1 Answer
Member S.8/18/2017
Hi Givetheropeiftheydonthan K,
We can help you find that information. The Sold auctions stay on the website, but they are not searchable. Please give us a call at 480.397.6503 or send us an email. We can find the link to the auction, the auction page will include the sale price and the time it ended.
We can help you find that information. The Sold auctions stay on the website, but they are not searchable. Please give us a call at 480.397.6503 or send us an email. We can find the link to the auction, the auction page will include the sale price and the time it ended.
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