I ordered tickets to a concert and received a visa card in the mail. I am concerned. Is this normal?

asked by Katie G. on 11/9/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user colleenp11

I agree with kire j about stub hub - my experience was terrible. I was not sent a visa card. I would check like Michele w bedore you get too worried. Better still phone the visa card company - I cant see how you can get a visa without applying and them sharing your personal details. Best use ticket master or some other reputable company in the future. I tried stub hub just to do something different - I wont in the future"! Hope you sort it out

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Thumbnail of user michellew83

They likely could not secure tickets for you so they refunded your money rather than sending tickets. I would check the Visa card balance and see if it matches your purchase price.

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Thumbnail of user kirej

I will not trust this place ever about anything!

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