Questions & Answers

Is it plagiarism free? Because some college schools have an online turn in where you turn in your assignments online and it'll detect plagiarism

Asked by Alyson C. on 3/28/2017

3 Answers
Ivy W.4/11/2017

No, they simply do not check for plagarism and I have purchased an essay for them that contains plagarism which I get a zero on the course and they did not issue me a refund
Fouad A.7/22/2023

لا ، إنهم ببساطة لا يتحققون من الانتحال وقد اشتريت لهم مقالًا يحتوي على انتحال أحصل على صفر في الدورة التدريبية ولم يصدروا لي استردادًا.
Nia B.7/23/2021

Hey! The experts are perfectly aware that plagiarism will mean an immediate ban. Our mission is to help, not to harm If you need, we may provide a plagiarism report along with a final paper.

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