How much points do you have to earn to get cash or gift card

asked by Eleanor M. on 5/8/18

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user jasone150

It varies depending on what tier of gift card you are interested in.

Several hundred points will get you a small gift card of around $3. One-thousand points gets you a $10 gift card, I believe. 2500 points typically gets you a $25 gift card, but there are usually discounted gift cards that you can take advantage of.

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Thumbnail of user suzanner72

Each point is a penny. So if you want a $5 gift card you need 500 Swagbucks. My only recommendation is don't get the Visa cards. All other cards work easily online or in store. Visa never seems to be accepted anywhere.

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Thumbnail of user jessicac1053

It varies. Each store has their own amount but it's usually $1/ 100 swagbucks and your 1st $25 gift card redemption every month is redeemable for a discounted amount of SB. Ex. 500 SB = a $5 gift card

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Thumbnail of user staceyl129

Minimum 500 points to get a "gift card" to PayPal for $5. They call it a gift card but it's actually an electronic transfer. The first time or two it takes 4 or 5 days but after that it credits next day or the following depending on what time the request is submitted.

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Thumbnail of user rhondar138

It depends upon what gift card you're trying to obtain. For me, I like to get a sale on the gift cards. You're entitled to one "on sale" purchase each month. My goal is to have 2,200 swagbucks each month, which is what I need to get a $25 gift card to

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Thumbnail of user mariad304

10 to 15 20 sumtimes up to 50 and u can do close to 100$ on swagbucks it really is a big help thank you

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Thumbnail of user jamesj676

$3 and up for Amazon. $5 and up for online retail. $10 and up for Virtual Visa. $25 and up for Paypal.

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