Tara Medium
Questions & Answers


Asked by A M. on 4/28/2016

4 Answers
Greg B.4/29/2016

Hey guys just want to respond to some of the question people have ask me about Tara the Medium well unfortunately ay time someone keeps asking you for money and if you dont pay them then they cant help you and the winnings of a big jackpot will ont be yours if you dont ask for their help and pay them, so if any so called psychic asks for money then that should be a sign right there that it is not legit and for my personal experience with Tara she made many promises that were never kept and I never spent a dime or sent her anything, now im not psychic by any means and dont claim to be but i am an Empath and i do feel thigns very strongly kind of like you inner voice or that intutition that gut feeling well trust that feeling because if u have doubt about this Tara Medium or any other for that matter than jsut be cautious dont send money unless you know for sure that u arent being scammed i have no proof either way of this but i know something isnt right with her and i wil lbe the first to say that i was wrong about her, Frank her assistant is probably the real Tara lol, who knows i dont get a good vibe off her any more and then i get an email from her saying i missed out again because of my silence and the asked me if someone was putting doubts in my mind lol, ya i told TARA that she was the only one putting doubts in my mind nobody else, and seems to not get through to her, what a joke show, i have told her numerous times i do not have money to send i just have not the means now but i have told her if what she says is true then tell me these so called winning numbers and if i win if they hit i would definitely send her a donation and certainly send her more money that she asked for in the frist place so u think that would be a good deal reight but if she is bullshitting and doesnt really know then of course she cant tell me right so jsut be cautious, because there are all kinds of scammers out there and i will help ayone from losing there hard earned money to one of these vultures
Terry B.7/6/2016

Well said Greg. I've never had issues with getting a refund. And she's pretty accurate with details about me. My only problem is WHY i ask for a refund. And that is the fact that ordering anything from her only starts a series of more emails requesting more money to fix what you thought would be fixed with the first amount. I too, am an Empath and something at that point doesn't feel right so i never go down that road. And yes, i too, have had a feeling about Frank. Mine isn't that Frank is really Tara. It's that Tara is really Frank. If that makes sense. Which isn't all that bad. It doesn't matter. Writers use different names when writing books. What matters is whether or not you get what you pay for. If you feel you didn't, don't continue down that road of paying more. Ask for a refund.
Dallas T.4/28/2016

I'd say fraud I got ripped off the 2nd time around and they won't fix it
lynn h.4/28/2016

I wouldn't say fraud, just be aware this is computer generated so it is not specific to you, alot of people will have the same prediction or reading as you, if you personally visit someone who does this for a living it would be accurate for just you, although it may cost you more it will be worth it.

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