How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at TelMDFirst?

asked by Jessica O. on 9/29/23

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user anthonyb2422

TelMDFirst has great customer service, available by live chat, email or phone.

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Thumbnail of user ac1418

Not easy at all and a couple times, I was hung up on.

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Thumbnail of user mc1681

I received no communication nor response to questions. I received a "thank you for payment" email and a text asking "How did we do?"
That was it.
My treatment was a prescription for an OTC tube of hydrocortizone cream. No response to me saying "hey guys, already have that. Can i get sinething to help me heal" said to Customer Service over phone. Never heard another word. Therefore, this service is a scam in my opinion.

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Thumbnail of user kimberlya1489

It is very easy to contact them by using their toll free number

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