Money is very tight! What is the absolute lowest dollar amount for a provisional patent?

asked by jon b. on 12/8/14

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user tonyc80

Our website lists our current prices for provisional patent application and the lowest amount is just a few hundred dollars. However, choosing the lowest cost is not always the best option as you need to choose what services you need to receive optimal protection. A provisional patent application is only as strong as the content that is included. Namely, good technical descriptions of the invention along with good drawings of the invention are critical for proper protection. If you are able to provide a strong technical writing and drawings, there is less technical work required and you can choose a lower dollar amount application. However, if you need help preparing a strong technical writing and invention drawings, you should aim to spend time preparing these on your own or paying slightly more for us to have technical work prepared. A provisional patent application protects only as much as is included. The more detail that is included, the more protection. Feel free to chat with us more about these concepts.

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Thumbnail of user roba104

You should speak with whoever is handling your patent submission about all the fees involved for your specific project. You do not need to pay the entire amount upfront. In fact, it can't be done that way because of all the different steps in the process. For example, you may need to resubmit to the USPTO for a rebuttal, you might not. I paid the fees and services as they accumulated (anywhere from 4-10 months apart) depending on the complexity of your patent request. The fees and services can range anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars each. All told, my patent cost under $18,000, including building a prototype with all materials, all fees and services with TtP and the USPTO and Patent Cooperation Treaty fees (international). For something simpler than mine, a ballpark figure with TtP would be around $10,000, paid over a period of around 24 months... YMMV

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