What if my non-provisional application is rejected by the US Patent Office and then I find a similar idea approved by them?

asked by Alexander K. on 12/9/17

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user tonyc80

Each patent application is decided upon by an examiner assigned by the US Patent Office and each examiner has his or her own opinion. This means that if your application is rejected, you may want to respond back to your examiner. Another similar invention approved by another examiner is between that examiner and that inventor. Each patent application is independently examined. If you do not believe the other approved patent deserves his or her patent, there are options to try and invalidate their patent which would need review and discussion by a patent practitioner.

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Thumbnail of user bonniet105

From what I know if it's something similar you can still have a patent like something similar but it still must be in a way that the State can understand the combination if they cannot understand your drawing or how it works then it will just not be accepted maybe the people who have submitted the other patent had all the pieces together from what I'm learning it is that you need to be able to have them understand how the model work it is not understandable then I believe it is rejected you have to be able to make the state understand what the inventions really is if all the pieces are not there they're not going to understand so I believe that's why they are rejected

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