How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at TurboTax?

asked by Pamela T. on 11/17/21

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user lindat1538

Very difficult to get, had to call numerous times to get a response and then there was no, let me help you with that. They were uncaring about my situation, I had to pursue questioning what they can do and would end up forwarding me to departments that did not respond.

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Thumbnail of user jschalow56

Not easy at all. I was on the phone for over two hours.

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Thumbnail of user williamh104

Impossible. On a weekend forget it.I'll just leave it at that.

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Thumbnail of user broadwayjose

Their review team is extremely slow. They refuse to thoroughly review their errors and accept responsibility.

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Thumbnail of user blanel2

Initially, I talked with a representative. Then all my calls would not give me the option off speaking with a live individual even with an open case.

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