How is it that Uber just recently reduced nyc fares to a lower rate than the yellow taxi rates, give me a ride estimate of $14-19, and still charge me $23 for the ride with the driver making me cross a busy avenue to get in the car, then takes a poor routes that ends up DOUBLING the estimated ETA to destination? How is that justified?

asked by Keith D. on 4/9/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user mikej149

Because the company is crooked it's not rocket science zero accountability zero management to speak with nobody holds them accountable you will never ever speak to someone other than a minimum wage customer service rep Uber operates under the shadows and guidelines unlike ordinary companies they are a new breed of stay as far away from interaction with customers all you do is deal with a smart phone email and app you are just a commodity and another IP address.

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Thumbnail of user marks351

Justified is not the correct term. Quite often my passengers are on the same navigation app that I am while we are driving. I don't care how accurate any navi app is- on the ground with traffic jams, broken down cars and crashes, construction, I end up re-routing all the time. With a whopping 15 cent a minute charge here, a 7 minute ride could become a 14 minute ride and the difference to a rider is a whopping 1.05. I would have to see the route your driver took, which by the way is captured on every trip, to determine whether you were un necessarily over charged. It is impossible to tell based on what little info is here.

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