How can you be certain that the woman is who she says she is. And is 100% the Same woman in the pictures you see and it's not someone else

asked by Jay D. on 11/20/22

1 Answer
Thumbnail of user anettek3

Dear Jay,
Thanks for sharing your feedback.

Please note that our trusted users' profiles are confirmed by verifying their ID and background. Firstly, in order to register, every trusted user takes a short video of herself holding her ID, stating the current date, and confirming her consent for the registration out loud. Secondly, we verify if the information provided in the registration video corresponds to her profile info. Our moderators check if it is the same person — both at the video and at the profile picture. Thus, we can assure the person you are talking to is the person you see in the profile.

Our affiliate partners make sure that there are no bogus profiles, that the user you look at in the profile pictures is the user you are corresponding with (such profiles have the label "Trusted User").

Please feel free to reach out to our email with any further comments, concerns, or suggestions you wish to share.

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