I read some very favorable reviews elsewhere of the Vanguard Personal Advisor service that charges only 0.3% for hands on investment planning and assistance from live personal CFP's.
But a few reviews said the had trouble reaching their advisor by phon. Out on hold 29 minutes, and their question never answered. Anyone know if the bad review on advisor acces was a very rare exception, or common?

asked by Alex C. on 6/19/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user erict60

Hi isajo b. I would call your advisor and ask some important Questions! Like how stable the portfolio would hold up under todays market. And keep asking till you get a satisifactory answer. Be presistant!

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Thumbnail of user isajob

Hmmm, I have not encountered that situation. But after the planning session and plan in place, I rarely call my advisor, maybe 2x/year since I do all the "rebalancing" on my own. I have not had issues the few times that I called, but I did get a call back once because of a more complex question.

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