Vital Records Online
Questions & Answers

I didnt get an email of confirmation or tracking number or anything after paying so is that normal or when should i receive an email?

Asked by Nancy a. on 10/10/2019

3 Answers
Ap M.12/6/2020

It was a report to send to state to pay fees to get a document. This site is making false statements
Cynthia R.2/22/2021

The site doesn't tell you anything until AFTER you send in your credit card info and are charged. Also, that link for support provide says PAGE NOT FOUND. I got scammed $49 for the site to just fill out the pdf that is available for free on the government site. I was led to believe my $49 was to cover all of the fees by the way it was advertised. Shady folks.
Robin B.4/30/2020

Hi Nancy,
If you paid through our website you should have a phone number to call on the confirmation email that was sent to you.
You would reach out to our Customer Service department at 1-844-218-4825 Monday-Friday 9:00am to 7:00pm EST.

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