If I don't like the Premium service can I cancel? Would I be better off going Premium Lite as a tryout?

asked by Raechel D. on 7/28/16

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user graceb134

My experience was that they won't refund your money. I have asked before. I wasted a lot of money when I stopped doing auditions because of the customer service issues. I doubt if their policy has changes since then. You will notice that a lot of the positive reviews are for one person - Cameron. One great customer service rep does not make a good company. And paying $500 to audition is really a rip off.

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Thumbnail of user davidc257

A: Hi Raechel,

In order to discuss your membership options, please give us a call to speak with one of our talent account managers. Everyone's situation is different and we can get a better feel for what option is best for you by speaking with you directly. We can also discuss our cancellation policy at that time.

Thank you,

Ashley Schmidt
Customer Service Manager
1-888-359-3472 ext. 515

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