Hi, I don't speak englist very well. This is my first time shopping on drugstore.com. I really wonder about the expiration date is not made public on the web.

asked by linh d. on 6/8/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user roseannz

You have a great question to ask about any online site that sells perishable items! I will remember your question when I order things that have a Chat Line. However, if the site has a customer service email or phone number, you can contact them that way and ask about expiration dates. I DID email Bulk Apothecaries and asked about expiration dates on their products, and someone emailed me back within 24 hours.

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Thumbnail of user vincentm32

Hi, I don't believe they are allowed by law to sell out dated or expired merchandise. But you can call them and check. There number is on the site. Ticktockbear.

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Thumbnail of user gailw19

I wouldn't worry about it.

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