What do their shipping boxes look like?

asked by Lola F. on 10/6/15

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user hermanw14

There are so many good answers. Because my answer would have been similar.as the most good answers that you have received something take it for what it's worth Jpgone of these answers because they all are good

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Thumbnail of user navarror

It's regular brown shipping boxes, inside is a lot of packing peanuts, bubble wrap or air pouches.

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Thumbnail of user julias40

Most all of my shipments from Drugstore.com have come in Reg. Brown shipping boxes and everything inside has always been in Very Good condition! Even when you order items that are shampoo, lotions & oils they wrap each one separate as to not have any spillage. I have Never had any problems with all the years(over 8 years)I have used them. Customer service is wonderful as well!

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Thumbnail of user vincentm32

All the ones I have gotten were plain brown boxes with shipping labels. They were very well packaged.

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Thumbnail of user angelac40

Well packaged, tight. Brown boxes.

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Thumbnail of user beverlya9

I really haven't paid that much attention but I agree with the above person, Robin D. It all depends on what you order and how much you order. Sometimes, my order has come in a shipping envelope.

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Thumbnail of user robind28

Depends on what you order, but they are super fast shippers and come in brown cardboard boxes typically :)

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