Questions & Answers

I want to purchase wix yearly ecommerce plan for one year, shall i purchase or not, very confused after review in this website

Asked by Dinesh K. on 8/16/2015

5 Answers
J L.7/15/2016

Oh dear. I have had a dreadful experiience. I suggest re - reading the reviews, and consider other options.
Jesse L.8/20/2015

There not bad, but they offer really poor customer Service skills. Doesn't matter how long you do business with them the only thing they care about is your money. So if you dont stay 100% on top of things on your end your screwed.
MAS B.8/16/2015

No! There is much better stuff out there.
PJ C.8/16/2015

Definitely NO.
I a.6/12/2017

They SUCK!
I'm leaving and now I have to switch all of my content to a different site, save yourself the trouble and the pain of having to do the same..

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