Does it make sense for a beginner to trade government bonds?

asked by Ladislav B. on 11/12/21

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user frattinb

I don't see anything preventing you as a beginner from trading government bonds. In many regards, they are just any other CFDs. So, to make a trading decision on them you need to analyze their chart.

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Thumbnail of user antong66

Don't think that there is a sense for a beginner to start trading government bonds. When I was a beginner I started with classic forex trading, you know, gbp/usd. Eur/usd and stuff liek that. These were the assets which taught me how ot trade.
When I switched on CFDs trading I started to dive deep in stocks trading. I can advise you not to trade government bonds, however if you like hard tasks, then why not.

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