Questions & Answers

Why is zearn rated at the top if it gets bad reviews?

Asked by Adele M. on 4/14/2022

5 Answers
ally m.5/4/2022

Because dumb kids use this website and think its "FuN" and tells they're drooling 6 year old friends and say: "oMg JoNnY ThIs Is AMiZiNg!" and then they do that, while some are suffering from this cruel website that teachers have us do.
joe c.2/4/2023

Because stupid people with no brains think this misery s fun and tells other people that is the only reason this stupid website is not gone.
Milia K.7/10/2022

Whats under me is true. Like come on zearn get better and teaching kids.
Omo N.3/5/2025

Zearn.org Customer Service +1 (8O5) 41O -56OO Phone Number.
Lydia J.2/4/2024

Because the public school system does not consider the students and teachers behind their poor decisions.

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