Words Statistics
Count | % of Text | Symbols | ||
No Data |
Phrases Statistics
Phrase | Occurrences | |
Click 'Refresh' button to check the phrases |
Text Statistics
Words | 0 |
MS Words * | 0 |
Characters | 0 |
Sentences | 0 |
Lines | 0 |
Paragraphs | 0 |
Numerals | 0 |
Punctuation | 0 |
Average Read Time | 0 |
Average Spell Time | 0 |
Pages (A4) | 0 |
Symbols and Words Counting
At times, it becomes very handy to have a word counter tool which can give anyone an idea or an overview of the content he or she has written and how many words or even characters it already contains. Such needs may arise when a person works in the field of academics, who must write research papers, articles, journals or assignments, as a student. Normally a writer is limited by a word count by the target instance rules or acceptance guidance of some magazine or internet blog.
So, what do you do if you have bumped into the requirements to limit the amount of the text inside your article and you must follow the strict rules prompted by your customer? How can you get the information on how many paragraphs or words have you already typed and what is the common character count of the already prepared article on the competitor’s web blog?
Our character and word counter will help you on that!
Let’s not ignore, the daily articles pop up on the internet every other minute, most of them are limited by the amount of characters, people are bounded by symbols limits and should calculate words while writing legal proceedings, advertisement columns and media articles. Each day writers and bloggers fight for their visitors by following some unpredictable SEO rules. No doubt, the tools like ours are highly required on the market on the daily basis.
Now, as the Microsoft Word gives away in the internet with his Office 365, our tool helps you analyze the document and summarize the detailed content statistic online and at no charge. This statistic provided by our service gives an overview of the text quality, the frequency of the words that you have written in a passage along with a combination of characters and punctuation. In addition, our words and characters counting service, doesn’t only limit itself to calculate the number of letters or words you have just typed, but also analyzes the sentence counts, lines, numerals, punctuation count (either digits or specific signs) and event gives you an overview of how much time do you need to read the all written through.
Our analyzer provides an option to see the occurrences of phrases, characters and words count density. The statistic shows the results in % of the text coverage and gives the user an option to control the minimum and maximum letters and the words amount to be displayed on the tool. The catch is to alert the writers when they reach the limit.
What’s convenient is how the online word counter tool is user-friendly and can do its job of statistics calculation irrespective of the text’s language and source. In addition to this, the tool also gives our users more control over plagiarism and SEO writing by using the filter of so-called “stop words”.
Let’s look at the example below:
" I now perceive, it was not altogether your brother's evil disposition made him seek his death; but a provoking merit, set a-work by a reprovable badness in himself. " (W. Shakespeare, King Lear)
Being the copywriter, I would expect from any tool which calculates the words and characters information - 28 words in common (with 161 characters in the summary), but at the same time being more SEO-oriented, I would be more interested in the weight of the whole text excluding stop words which will lead me to 13 words in the summary (The highlighted words are taken from the English stop words list).
The words counter service allows to exclude commonly used stop-words from the analysis by our search engine to make the statistics and reports more precise and concrete.
Additionally, our counter can easily analyze the content of any of widely-used formats like PDF, Word, HTML (with the possibility to get rid of all html and meta tags) or even ePUB book. For this you must upload your document manually, then it’s content will be automatically converted into plain text with our service engine and appear in the main edit area.
The service is quite flexible disregards the type of the source. Finally, our counter also lets the user to type, keeping an eye on the characters and words count during the typing process and calculate all statistics on the fly. Editors or responsible persons can tune the text to the desired format and form, do the analysis report and finally save the typed content in a given format.
So, if you ever asked yourself how to analyze and count words or phrases in PDF journal or Word document or how many words or characters some paragraph or book contains - our tool is exactly what you are looking for.
It also has become quite resourceful for SEO specialists and article writers, simply because with this tool they are able to grasp the predefined word limit and play with words and letters accordingly, making it easier for them to achieve the uniqueness in the content, hence, knocking out the question of plagiarism.
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- Supported Formats: doc, docx, txt, pdf, epubhtml, odt
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Service Features
Text Statistics
Comprehensive and clear reports about symbols count, text quality and overall statistics
Stop Words
Meaningless words per language can be excluded to make the statistics clearer and more accurate
Text Source
You can upload PDF, WORD, ePUB, HTML and many other formats as well as to copy and paste any content to check the text statistics
Save your text as PDF, WORD or EPUB to read it on any portable device