English (United Kingdom)

Location Lab Information Management System

A complete management solution

In the Know: How to Respond to LIMS Objections

As a lab manager, you probably already know how much a comprehensive LIMS can help your laboratory to thrive. But what if senior management has some push back? No fear, here’s everything you need to know to get around those pesky objections and implement the best LIMS for your lab.

How Cloud-Based LIMS Technology Can Upgrade Your Lab

As a lab manager, it can be a challenge to make sure that the software you invest in provides you with optimal outputs. Integrated on-premise software can provide your staff with the necessary tools they need, but over time can become sluggish and expensive to keep up with developing needs.

What is Silabmed?

Silabmed is complete medical laboratory management software, designed to increase the speed, productivity and profitability of your laboratory. Designed to adapt to your existing workflow and processes, it allows labs to increase efficiency, improve processes and reduce costs. Its modularity, as well as its ability to integrate with other software, ensures that you stay one step ahead.


Silabmed complies with the latest regulations regarding the management of medical analysis laboratories. Its modularity, as well as its ability to integrate with other software, allows proven efficiency and superior communication speed with other users.

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High quality software at an unbeatable price.

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Custom User Workspace

Intuitive design and customizable dashboards, built to fit your needs.

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Secure Data Management

Built for healthcare facilities of all sizes, ensuring your data stays secure and compliant.

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24/7 support

Technical support and training for your staff, ready when you need it.


Offer the best services to your patients and doctors with our customizable software.

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Why choose Cloud hosting for Silabmed

Silabmed is a SaaS based software solution, hosted on our cloud, which is maintained by the world’s largest provider, Amazon™ Web Services.

This ensures that your data is hosted securely and always accessible, even when working remotely. We also ensure the strictest levels of data compliance for best practice, including ISO 27001 certification.


With no upfront investment in software licensing, database, hardware acquisition etc., Silabmed is a radically simple, fast and economical option to boost your lab with the most reputable LIS in North America.

Safety and reliability

We use Amazon Web Services™, the biggest cloud computing provider in the world, for guaranteed high availability and security. In addition, access to SILABMED is through a certified secure connection as reliable as internet banking.

Champion team!

Unlike with most software provided as a service, with SILABMED in the cloud you have the support of the same team that created SILABMED, the choice of hundreds of labs and thousands of users throughout North America.


Simple adoption and quick deployment. An economical subscription basis and excellent return on investment. Certified connections with high availability and data security. No hardware or software infrastructure costs or concerns. Accessible from anywhere and on any device.

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