Counterfeit goods are the scourge of many an online shopper. Short of waiting in line at the DMV, few things are more frustrating than believing…
At Sitejabber, we’ve received thousands of reports of websites selling counterfeit DVDs. These sites often claim to sell authentic DVDs of television shows and movies.…
Regardless of your view on piracy, it is still hotly up for debate, but there’s little uncertainty about its resulting financial damage: in 2009, reports…
Counterfeits are shaping up to be one of the big online pitfalls for consumers to watch out for this holiday season. With the tough economy more…
The global counterfeit and pirated goods market has been on a steady incline through most of the last decade. Although counterfeit and pirated goods are…
You’ve heard the horror stories and have been told be to careful on eBay, but is fraud really so common these days? The answer is…