2 reviews for 8x8 Inc are not recommended
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1 review
5 helpful votes

DO NOT USE 8X8! Save yourself!
January 4, 2021

I can not even begin to explain just how awful this service and company is. I cannot wait to get away from them.

In no particular order

- Their licensing is intentionally confusing - be VERY careful when discussing how many seats / extensions you need and what calling plans include what.
- Their pricing is awful - even if you choose not to heed the warnings and sign with them anyway - they will offer you any discount to get your to sign - so don't be afraid to low ball them BIG TIME.
- Their system is a kludge of different products that do not interact well. This is a MAJOR problem
- There is no live support - every thing is ticket based and they routinely close tickets without responding - They change the severity level of tickets without update
- They mark tickets as duplicates / close them - and send no update
- Their level 2 support can do nothing but forward serious problems on to operations - who has 48 HOURS to respond!
- They screwed up the number porting - porting the numbers early before we were ready
- Their call center system and phone system are different platforms - so the systems are linked with a phone number - that number THEY used was temporary so when the live numbers ported over - the two systems lost touch with each other until someone figured out they needed to manually update that link.
- Because the call center and phones are two separate systems - calls transferred to people in the office but not in the call center only see the call center phone number on caller id - not the callers phone number
- you created users / extensions in one system - and they do automatically create in the second system - but not correctly - so you have to go fix them manually
- if you edit a user in the phone system - you then have to go make those edits again in the call center system
- their "multi-edit" feature -- only lets you edit a few fields - it is largely useless in that respect - AND in the fact that it sometimes says it finished - but it didn't - so you have to go check every record anyway
- Their import feature -- is very buggy and can only be used to create new extensions / users -- I would avoid it
- Their soft phone both for PC and mobile typically has a HUGE audio delay that makes it very difficult to have a conversation
- Their web interface for the agents is clunky and doesn't allow a lot of room for descriptive queue names and such
- you can not use multiple queues for advanced call routing without losing caller position.
- the agent interface has an option to pop out the call panel to a smaller window -- but only in IE 11 and the application doesn't work in IE 11 -- except for that cool little pop out window feature which doesn't exist for other browsers.
- Their meeting product. - I can't even describe how bad it is - we just gave up on it -- just please don't use them.

There is just an overall lack of care with this product and support.

I could do on for hours if I read back through my old emails - this was just stuff off the top of my head. I figured since I am without phones and waiting for a resolution I might as well do something productive.

I hate them. I absolutely hate them.

Products used:

VO / VCC / Meetings / Soft Phones

Date of experience: January 4, 2021
7 reviews
53 helpful votes

Dont make the mistake of signing up with 8X8
October 27, 2017

I have found this company is one that provides terrible service evidenced by the very poor voice quality as I experience voice drop outs where entire sentences are missing from conversations, there are voice delays, echos, and difficulty understanding conversations due to the horrendous voice quality as the volume is so low it cant be adjusted high enough to make the person on the other ends voice clearly audible. I have spent hundreds of dollars purchasing their recommended QOS router with their new digital phone. I also upgraded my internet connection speed to over 200mbs (download and upload speeds) at an additional expense of several hundred dollars yet my efforts were for not due to their inferior outdated system. Calling tech support is a ridiculous and can easily turn into an all-day event taking 4 or more hours only to than be referred to tier two support which will call you back approximately two weeks later, if at all. To make matters worse they undertake unscrupulous billing practices whereby they will increase your bill and charge your credit card without any advance notice. My recent monthly bill jumped from $50 to $60. But this is not the first time this type of increase has occurred without the advance notice. This has happened many times over the years and when I call to complain, I am told, I could cancel at any time thats it. No apology, no offer to reduce the bill or offer any type of credit. Shame on you 8X8. At the very least, act like you care enough to make an effort by being accommodating to customers! I believe loyalty is a two way street so now those days are over and it is now time to give their competitors a chance. Avoid this company at all costs or you will pay dearly in lost business and aggravation.
Update: 11/22/2017
After registering complaints with 8x8 about the lack of customer support, I was advised by them that if I did not like the service I should take my business elsewhere. I heeded the advice and have contracted with a new telecom company (Ooma) to service my telecommunication needs. I contacted this company on November 15th to request my phone numbers be ported over to the new service provider. While my secondary number was released 5 days later on November 20th I have now been told my main number will now not be released until December 15th. Is it a mere coincidence that this simple step which was readily available for one number will take a month for a second number thus allowing them the opportunity to bill me for one additional month? Be assured this is the treatment you will receive if you choose to deal with 8x8 for your telecommunication needs. I would advise against it. By the way 8X8 removed my negative review from there website.

Date of experience: October 27, 2017
2 reviews for 8x8 Inc are not recommended