8 reviews for AAA are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

AAA customer service is the worst
November 8, 2023

AAA Downtown Knoxville
Travel agency in Knoxville, TennesseeOpen
Google review summary
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Michael Weaver
Local Guide·10 reviews
24 minutes ago
Yesterday at 430pm I called AAA to get a locksmith to come and make a.key for my daughter's car(she lost it down a sewer drain). I was told someone would be there within the hour. I called back, and they texted me a confirmation to put on … More
5 reviews·4 photos
2 months ago
AAA will take no responsibility for random towing services they call, that damage your vehicle. They will waste your time pretending they are investigating and hope you give up calling them. Poor customer service and unprofessional Service Monitors. Will never use AAA again.
Photo 1 in review by MrCharly3k Photo 2 in review by MrCharly3k
Timothy Spence
Local Guide·96 reviews·10 photos
5 months ago
I recently had the pleasure of visiting AAA to explore my insurance options for Tennessee, and my experience was nothing short of excellent. From the moment I walked up to the door, I was greeted with warm hospitality as an employee kindly … More
Tom Patty
1 review
2 months ago
Very disappointed with AAA! Left me stranded on august 23rd. One the hottest evenings of summer. My truck refused to start at dentist so I did roadside on my app. At around 5pm. Multiple recordings saying delays. After a 6 mile walk in the … More
Michael Weaver
Local Guide·10 reviews
24 minutes ago
Yesterday at 430pm I called AAA to get a locksmith to come and make a.key for my daughter's car(she lost it down a sewer drain). I was told someone would be there within the hour. I called back, and they texted me a confirmation to put on my calendar for that day, two hours later I called back and was.pit on hold, they said they'd call back but didn't. At 8pm.i.called.again, the service center claimed they were backed up and my request was cancelled - they claimed to have made an appointment for today. So I get a confirmation text and a call from the service center at 940am telling me that supposedly someone would be there at 11. I called to confirm because I cannot afford to lose work. It took several calls before I could get an actual confirmation - mind you this is a call for a locksmith... we're not solving the mysteries of the universe. So now I am told that they would be here at 1110am. Currently it's 1210pm and I have no ETA from AAA or the locksmith other than he'll be there "soon". This is the most unprofessional, unsatisfactory customer experience I have ever had. If you are an AAA member do not renew your membership the incompetently incapable employees.they hire can't seem to do something as simple as schedule a locksmith. And yes...I am still waiting for someone who hasn't shown up nor has AAA called and both my daughter and I are both losing time at work which is money

Tip for consumers:

If you are a member, Do not renew - of you're not, don't join

Products used:

Roadside assistance

Date of experience: November 8, 2023
New Jersey
1 review
0 helpful votes

August 9, 2023

If I could give them no stars I would. I have had them for over 4 years and the service has been horrible for the last year. Last August, we had a flat tire and, because we were supposedly broken down on a highway that they did not service, I ended up spending #200+ to have my car towed myself ON vacation. Fine- it happens. About 2 months ago, the car broke down AGAIN with my husband and 9-year-old son on the side of the road after 9 pm. I called AAA and spoke to someone who sounded like I woke them up. Set up a tow and was told they did not have an ETA but we would be texted once the driver was en route. An hour and a half later - NOTHING. I Called back - they had NO record of the prior call. We had to set up ANOTHER tow and I was advised that we could wait another 1-2 hours. An hour later and call#3 -now midnight- was told that the driver was behind in that area and unable to give ETA. Was told nothing to do but wait. After a 4th call - and another hour at 1 am, the husband was advised that he could leave the car with the key under the mat and unlocked. They still had no clue when the driver would be out. They offered a $20 rideshare coupon so he could get home with my son - for a $40 ride. I called a 5th time - because I KNOW Their Policy about cars needing to be with someone when the tow shows up and was told it was fine- that the driver would be notified and would pick it up. The next morning, when I still had heard NOTHING from AAA or their tow truck driver - I called the shop where it was supposed to have been taken. Guess what? CAN'T FIND IT. I Spent an entire day chasing down my only car only to discover that the driver came out and left it because no one was with it. In total, between the night of the service call and the next day, I had made ELEVEN calls to their support- half of which I was told they had no record of - and by 5 pm had FINALLY located my vehicle. Fast forward to now - Purchased a new car that comes with roadside assistance for the next 2 years. Call AAA to cancel the account (my mother who pays for the service with her own credit card in HER NAME). Was advised on call#1 - Cancellation team is not available to take the call and offered a call back which she accepted. FIVE days later- no callback and the service renews and the card is charged. Mother calls a second time on 8/4 and was told after an hour that the service could NOT be canceled by her because the account was in MY name AND that no refund could be issued anyway. I call the same day and was again told that no one was available from the "cancellation team" to take the call- offered a call back which I accepted. It took them FIVE DAYS to call me back. On 8/9 I explain all of this and am told that they need a manager - because they cannot provide a refund but can cancel the service. Was promised a call back by 5-5:30. That time came and went. At 7 pm, I receive the call and am advised that they searched all the calls for the days before we called on 8/4 and located no calls except my call in May (ONE CALL MENTIONED AS LOCATED NOT THE 11 THAT I MADE) and because of that - no refund will be given but the service is canceled. UNACCEPTABLE service - not worth a full $1 let alone $213/year. STAY AWAY - Most insurance plans offer roadside assistance that is competent and complete. Will NEVER use AAA again.

Tip for consumers:


Products used:

None for 2023 - Tried to cancel PRior to the renewal 8/1 and because they were unable to take the call at that point and didn't ever call back, ended up being charged a full year. They refuse to refund but canceled the service. Was told that all I could do was a chargeback

Date of experience: August 9, 2023
7 reviews
51 helpful votes

From an a+ to an f- in my lifetime
April 29, 2023

You're going to love this one.
I've been a member of AAA for roughly 40 years. In March I had a serious car issue my axle broke and I was left on the side of the road. I'm disabled and I'm a senior citizen getting pretty old now. I think I got AAA when I was 30. Well I called AAA to come out and pick up my car and tow it to a shop and they would not do it. They said I owed them $90 for a jump that I had in February but that jump in February was covered on one of my roadside hazards. They didn't even tell me I was going to be charged for that although I never should have been charged for that but now here on the side of the road I was disabled and very sick and they tell me that if I don't pay them $90 they will not tow my car. I was standing outside of a Starbucks when I made this call everybody listening was appalled it was being recorded as it was on speaker phone. I swore to them I owed them no money and they owed me service calls that I had left on this year and in fact I had even prepaid for my next year. Well they wouldn't budge so I paid the $90 just to get a tow but it doesn't end there oh it gets really crazy. I waited about an hour and a half and nobody showed up I called the AAA roadside service number again this time I got a really nice person she heard my problem and could not believe what was going on she herself filed a complaint without me even asking her to file a complaint all I wanted was a tow truck to pick my car up and get me off the road. She was appalled at the type of behavior I was given after all these years of service in fact that shouldn't even matter I was a customer and I was in the right and I was being held no I was being extorted to pay $90 or I would not get the service that was owed to me that I had already paid for. But I shouldn't be surprised because I had paid for this service and for the last few years they have been going downhill further and further anytime I needed a tow it was like pulling teeth out of a lion they did not want to do anything. Then I got AAA insurance and without telling me they started billing my account and taking money out of my bank account and never asked me for permission to do this never told me they were going to do this and when they did this this made several checks bounce.
AAA used to be the best I used to say if every company in America was ran like AAA this country would have no problems and now I say if every company in this country or ran my AAA this country would be out of companies they would all be broke.
What these companies are doing is waiting for people like me to die off people from the 50s and 60s so they can start ripping off the millennials who have never known any different than the service they're getting now they don't know how good it was 40 50 60 years ago so all they know is what they're giving today and AAA just like all these other companies are just waiting for the dinosaurs to go away so they can rob all the customers they have without them knowing about it.

Products used:

They're tow service and insurance service and both are the worst now after 40 years of using them

Date of experience: April 28, 2023
1 review
0 helpful votes

January 13, 2023

On 8/8/20 Mr. Edmund F. Young III made an ILLEGAL left turn, form a posted "No Left Turn" mall exit, and crashed into the right rear panel of my car behind the rear tire. I had begun crossing the very wide street BEFORE Mr. Young entered onto it. A left turn is prohibited here because it is dangerously close to the intersection (70'-80') and is intended to eliminate crashes like the one I suffered.

AAA and the Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club (Exchange) ignored the evidence and believed Mr. Young over my passenger and me. Adjusters claimed I was 51% at fault. I appealed based on the evidence. AAA/Exchange lowered my at fault to 20%. I appealed again because there was no fault on my part; Mr. Young was totally at fault. I asked that they reimburse my $500.00 deductible and that my record be corrected to reflect no fault. The AAA/Exchange refused to do so.

All this time I have been writing and begging them for justice hoping someone would examine the evidence. The Exchange refused to correct their errors and the evidence did not matter only their constructed narrative. So, after 21 years of home and auto coverage, I will be searching for another insurance carrier.


1. After stopping at a posted sign, I began to cross Ontario Ave., BEFORE Mr. Young.
2. Mr. Young illegally turned left onto Ontario Ave., in violation of California Vehicle Code section (CVC) ***** (d): failure to obey sign.
3. He also violated California Evidence Code section (CEC) 669 (a)(1)(2): failure of a person to exercise due care.
4. Mr. Young crashed into my car as I was 3/4 across the street.
5. Mr. Young apologized to my passenger and me. He said he was sorry and believed I was going to turn left as he was leaving Starbucks.
6. I called police and requested a report. The officer said they usually don't do reports on accidents without injuries. I asked the officer for a report to establish liability. The officer said they don't do reports for that purpose.
7. I called AAA and reported that Mr. Young crashed into my car. Later, I provided AAA adjusters photos of the crash site, both autos, and the No Left Turn sign that Mr. Young disobeyed. I also gave them my diagram of the crash location.
8. Mr. Young lied to both AAA and Mercury insurance and said he entered Ontario Ave., before me and did not reveal his illegal left turn. He committed insurance fraud by lying to both carriers in violation of California Penal Code section (CPC) 550 (a)(1)(5): submitting a false claim.
9. The Exchange ignored the evidence and CHOSE to believe Mr. Young over me but refused to say why.
10. The Exchange refused to interview my passenger as is REQUIRED by their own policy.
11. My passenger and I took polygraph examinations to prove we were telling the truth about all aspects of the crash. We both passed as truthful.
12. I wrote to Mr. Young twice, via certified mail, and offered $500.00 cash for him to take a polygraph exam at my expense. He did not respond.
13. I mailed both polygraph results to the Exchange as evidence, but they refused to accept the results.
14. Numerous times I wrote to the Exchange and requested that they review all the evidence objectively, especially the fact of the illegal left turn by Mr. Young. They did not acknowledge the illegality of the left turn which in of itself places ALL the fault on Mr. Young.


1. Disregarded California Code of Regulations (CCR) 2695.7 (d): thorough investigations.
2. Disregarded CCR 2694 (a)(1): justified complaint.
3. Disregarded CVC ***** (d): disobeying posted traffic control sign.
4. Did not interview victim passenger.
5. Disregarded two polygraph examinations by victims.
6. Disregarded incriminating spontaneous statements by Mr. Young.
7. Disregarded numerous requests by me to do a thorough investigation.
8. Disregarded CEC 669 (a)(1)(2): failure to exercise due care causing property damage.

Date of experience: January 12, 2023
1 review
1 helpful vote

Sabotage US veteran vehicle to create business hello
July 26, 2021

Received an invitation to do repairs at AAA at a discounted price. I did an alignment. While at shop employee told me I needed tires the alignment wasnt right.
I went back the next day and they made it Ok. But then I installed 4 new tires. So I went back a third time to do the necessary alignment again. 12/17/2020,
My complaint started on December 17,2020. I called and talked to Al and Luis about my vehicle. This was the third time I went to AAA From their paper bills the mileage is ****** recorded on December 2,2020,
When I went there on December 17,2020 the mileage is now ******, I drove 338 more miles with no issues. There 24 point inspection claimed I had only two issues.
Not mentioning what the mechanic broke most likely because I went there three times or to create business. And not to mention the third date I went there. When I left I notice jerking in Transmission and started smelling a burning smell from their mechanic shorting out Transmission. And drainage on my battery the next day. The mechanic is the culprit here. Luis wasn't there.
Or seen his deceitful sabotage destruction. But yet he "backs" him up like he knows for sure what he did. This is what I suggest to settle this sabotage. I want AAA to tow my vehicle to do this estimate of repair and pay from their pocket what they broke to fix their mechanic's deceitful destruction. AAA has tow trucks. They can send my vehicle to where they recommended me to go in the first place. Tramcar Transmission. AL sent me to the Tramcar Transmission shop knowing what was wrong before I went there. Tramcar told me my Hydraulics are the cause of short and jerking.
Tramcar Transmission told me AAA sends them a lot of business there. They also know the estimate in advance. Al conspired with Tramcar Transmission.
This sabotage was likely a vengeful act or to create business. Because I went there three times. Of course Luis and Al deny these allegations. But they were not present when their mechanic worked on my vehicle. They are being deceitful to keep their jobs most likely. Either way AAA broke my car, made my vehicle unusable and junk ready! This ordeal has been almost 7 months. Since December 17,2020
This complaint is not about alignment. Its centered on a case of deception and sabotage to mislead your office:
There were three inter reactions I had with triple AAA. December 2, December 3, and December 17.2020. Yes alignment was performed and a 24 point inspection which they claimed in their evaluation. I only had two issues: drive belts and engine mount or valve cover gasket. In their independent review of records this was not mentioned surprisingly. Triple AAA claimed. Dodge 2003 Grand Caravan had Transmission shifting and slipping issues. I never have had or have now slipping or shifting issues, This is mentioned to make it sound like it's a natural issue. Triple AAA is making things up as they go. AAA never did another diagnosis after I left triple AAA the third time. The van had Transmission jerking when I put it in reverse or in drive gear.
Issues associated with a code P1684 cut, broken, disconnected, shorted or touching other wires. Short circuit or grounded Coming from transmission control module. It was their
Recommendation to go to the Tramcar transmission shop. The $150 they offered to diagnose was way short of diagnosis and repair. I did go to Value Transmission
And they said the cost to diagnose was $125 an hour to diagnose. Value Plus Transmission has to come out to see their extent of damage they caused. They also said do they stop diagnosing it, if longer, then an hour to diagnose what they sabotaged. Both AAA and Tramcar Transmission know what was wrong without seeing the vehicle and know the cost to repair. This makes the shops. Complicit in knowing ahead of time what was broken. AAA and Tramcar Transmission were in cahoots.
Conclusion AAA changes their statements as they go. Another fabrication of dishonesty. Making up statements as they go. What triple AAA ''broke''! I had a perfectly running vehicle. AAA Sabotaged the vehicle. Instead of making the vehicle run better they.
Made the vehicle ''(junk ready)'. If the vehicle needed Transmission work I would not be doing alignment. Triple AAA is a big Corporation motivated by greed and deception making false untruthful statements to prosper with Malicious intentional willfully sabotage. This is a shady business they run. The Better Business Bureau and Yelp there are many complaints like this. Pattern of deception. Taking advantage of the public especially the senior citizens. This is unethical practice they run. I have been a loyal
Client with AAA for 30 years! Business assuming trust. This conduct of doing business is not about a simple alignment. It's about shaming the public motivated by simple greed. To make their clients suffer not being able to get around with no transportation. With no alternative but at their mercy of a broken car they created, This must go much further in punishment. Then a slap on the wrist. But to consider fines and closure of this business. There is a motive here for triple AAA to continue this behavior. They continue to make false misleading statements to deceive your office. A distraction from their true intent. Please take the next step in full prosecution of this intentional way of conducting business as usual. Justice must work to prevent this exact sabotage deception. Even if has to go to higher levels in the justice. System. When you speak to anybody they all would agree that preventing this pattern must be a just punishment in place. I have received other contacts from other people who had similar circumstances and complained on Better Business Bureau, and Yelp sites. Their stalling tactics by playing with words are not deeds only, more deceitfulness to continue. I don't want a pittance of $150. I Want justice for what AAA ''broke''." Fix, repair" pattern of theft by destruction.
This is not going away. My life will be dedicated to seeing justice! What you broke, no matter how long it takes. I will continue to protest your dishonest
Theft of destruction. I was robbed by your mechanic of what he sabotaged. I can't use my vehicle! This is for me the principal of what AAA is doing: vehicle destruction of customer vehicles. And continue the deceitful ways. AAA Your company is crooked in disguise as legitimate business. Since my daily protests I received others like me.
If a sabotage case can't be resolved! I will contact others on sites I mention above that claim similar circumstances! Please help me resolve this. I served my country in good faith. My government can help me in need of their help.

Tip for consumers:

They are crooks in disguise. They will sabotage your car to create business to make money. avoid avoid avoid

Products used:

Repair car

Date of experience: July 26, 2021
1 review
4 helpful votes

Horrible company who don't seem to like people
December 16, 2018

I was in an auto accident on 11/14/2018 with a AAA policy holder. I contacted AAA to report the accident and file a claim the very next morning. I was told that they needed to speak with their client to determine liability. 4 days went by with no calls from AAA. I called AAAs client myself and requested that she call AAA to get the ball rolling. She informed me that AAA never tried to contact her. She called right after our call ended and reported the incident. I called Mitchell Frey, the adjuster I was assigned, to check the progress. They accepted liability and gave me a rental car with Enterprise. He informed me that my truck had to be towed to Phoenix to a AAA certified mechanic and that was the only option I had. I informed him that i would like the truck to go to Horne Collision Center 2 miles from where it was located and that if the truck would be totaled I wanted it back to repair it myself. 7 days passed and the rental car was due and no tow had happened. After leaving messages with the adjuster and his supervisor and calling over 20 times I received no answer or reply. I called the 800 number and spoke with someone in the claims department. They extended my car's rental 20 mins before Enterprise closed for the day. 7 days later the rental car was due again and no tow had happened. Again I contacted the adjuster and his supervisor with no answers or reply. Again, I called the 800 number to get the rental extended. The next morning after 5 calls and 2 messages to the adjuster he answered his phone. He informed me that the tow order had not been picked up by the tow company. He resent the request to tow and told me the truck had to go to Phoenix to be looked at. I live in Concho about 250 miles from the location they were towing to. I was told that was the only place close to have the truck looked at. That evening the truck was towed. The tow driver told me they never got the request until that day. My truck was taken to the tow yard in Show Low and stored for the next 5 days. On day 6 after the tow I called the adjuster again to see what was going on with my truck. I was told it was being towed that day to the AAA certified mechanic. The next day I called to see if they received my truck at the mechanic. I was informed that the truck was being totaled out and was at the AAA salvage yard to be auctioned. I was also informed that no mechanic had looked at the vehicle and that it wasn't in the file that I wanted to keep the truck. I then went to a lawyer to seek help. I was informed by the lawyer that I could choose what shop I wanted to take it to and have it looked at for repair. I called AAA again numerous times. I finally got ahold of a lady on the salvage department. She told me the truck was being totaled from the start and they never intended to check damages or return the vehicle. She told me none of what I requested was in my case file. I told her I wanted the truck looked at at Horne or I would be involving a lawyer. She said she would schedule a tow. 5 days later I contacted AAA to see where my vehicle was. It was still at the salvage yard with no tow ordered. I spent 2 hours on the phone to get a tow ordered. I was contacted by the AAA assessor Thomas who, to my surprise, was extremely helpful. He scheduled a tow to Horne and told me he didn't understand why AAA was totaling my truck. He deemed it reparable and not a loss. This morning i was contacted by Horne to bring my truck in. I told them AAA had my truck in Phoenix and would be towing it to Horne. She said that the order stated I would be driving the truck in. I called Mitchell and his supervisor John with no answer or reply. Again, I called the 800 number. The guy I spoke with told me the truck would be towed to Horne on 12/14/2018 to be repaired. At this time the only contact that AAA made to me was Thomas and the lady from the salvage yard (to notify me the tow truck arrived to tow). I have not received any mail, email or calls concerning my claim. All contact has been made by me and only after hours of being transferred from person to person. I will be filling a complaint to the BBB as well as the Arizona Department of Insurance. I have now been out of work with no money made for a month. I will be seeking legal help as well in recovering lost wages if needed. I would highly recommend recording all calls with this company as well as using a lawyer to help the process through when filling a claim against AAA. I have never encountered a worse company. Mitchell Frey (the AAA adjuster I was assigned) has been 0 help and has been absent during 90% of this claim. When contacted he is rude and seems to not like people. He lied to me about almost everything he said, and he never added anything to my file that I requested. I will be seeking legal advice and a possible lawsuit against him and AAA as well as their client. This has been 100% a nightmare from the start.

Let me note that I was a passenger my husband was driving and I am the policy holder of the insurance of the vechiel in question and I legally have permission to communicate with AAA on the matter as all there comments have replied with the same reply that I was only a passenger

Date of experience: December 15, 2018
4 reviews
3 helpful votes

Goood Help!
April 13, 2016

Love AAA - was there when I need them - goooooood

Date of experience: April 12, 2016
5 reviews
8 helpful votes

Costumer service have short fuse but truck drivers...
August 21, 2014

Costumer service have short fuse but truck drivers are helpful

Tip for consumers:

They use to be much better

Date of experience: August 20, 2014