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1 review
8 helpful votes

SAD, to see all the negitive comments about AJPM.com;...
April 29, 2010

SAD, to see all the negitive comments about AJPM.com; but not unexpected.

This was my experience with the business: From 2002 to 2005, I purchased and sold lots of products with AJPM and never had a problem. My main contact was AARON. At that time I would have given this company a 5 star rating, it was that good. But with time all things change.

The very last time I purchased from AJPM this was my expericence, and it caused me to never deal with them again.

I called and placed an order as usual and got my confirmation #. The person was new, and so I asked if Aaron still worked there. He said no, he told me that him and his cousin just purchased the business. [Note: shortly thereafter, the picture of the owners vanashied from the website.] I mailed my check the same day and it cleared a week later.

Normally, I would receive produt within 7 to 10 days of my check clearing, so when after 20 pasted from the clearing of my check, I called back. The kid who answered the phone (don't remember his name) told me that they don't do status checks over the phone & that I would have to email him. I explained that I was a major customer of theirs, and that I needed to place another order [this was true]. He wanted to take the next order, but I stopped him, I told him that I was a middle man purchasing for a 3rd party and could not place the next order until I received the last. [Sensing a rat, and fearing that with the old owners gone I may never get the coins I ordered]; I lied and told him that my next order was for 30 (three times the size of my current order). Then I asked him to please check and tell me if the other order had shipped out yet. He put me on hold, then came back and said that it shipped out yesterday. I thanked him, and told him that I would call back with the new order just as soon as I received the package for the other one.

Eight days later, I finally received the package of 10 coins that I had originally ordered over a month and a half ago. The postmark clearly indicated that this Kid lied to me as the coins were sent out the day after our phone conversation.

SUMMARY: They had my business for years, but after the business was sold the new business lied to me (and I had to play games with them to get them to ship me the product that I had already paid for). Very Sad.

Date of experience: April 29, 2010