Mr. Dennis Sprung - AKC President and CEO, Ms. Heather McManus, AKC Senior Attorney, Ms. Erica Ruff, AKC Corporate Attorney. AKC failed to confirm Trevor's registration and proof of ownership prior to wrongfully accepting and recording a fraudulent Notification without my name and illegal transfer of stolen semen (7 vials) to Connie Townsend and Lynn Brady wrongfully signed by Henry and Karen Nichols. There are no frozen semen records to record without my name and signature on Exhibit 1 and my name and address on "Notification of Canine Semen Extraction, Freezing and Storage". I never authorized Trevor's semen to be collected and recorded with the listed Registry at time of collection. ALL registered owners must sign Exhibit 1 in order for a collection statement to be issued in the name of myself as well as the Nichols to support AKC cover up records dated May 25,2022 and May 17,2023. Ms. Heather McManus, AKC Senior Attorney realized there was a legal issue without my name and address on AKC records. My name was illegally added to AKC records dated more than twenty years ago and sometime after AKC was contacted by the Dept. of Justice. Trevor's frozen semen records are ineligible for recording without my consent and signature on Exhibit 1 and must be removed from AKC records. I look forward to a response. Sincerely, Darla Lofranco - Breeder/Owner
On Wednesday, May 25,2022, 01:59:15 PM EDT, Jill Zapadinsky <*******> wrote:
Dear Darla,
The AKC did not accept the transfer of the frozen semen from the Nichols to Connie Townsend and Lynn Brady as your signature was not on the transfer. The frozen semen from Trevor is recorded in your name as well as the Nichols. As stated previously, any one of the recorded owners can sign an AKC litter application.
Comment - Any one of the recorded owners can NOT sign an AKC frozen semen litter application without my signature on Exhibit 1 and Notification/collection statement in the name of myself as well as the Nichols to support AKC records dated May 25,2022.