314 reviews for AliExpress are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Good selection of products but not for the USA customers, imo.
December 17, 2024

There were four incidents over the last (about) two months which made me conclude that ordering AliExpres wasted my time and they also need to develop a better understanding with seller base. These incidents were: (1) An excellent massager product was stuck in the USA customers for a while, I contacted the seller multiple times without getting a response, though I was happy with the product when it came in (2) I contacted a seller indicating that I would return the inline heater when I get it as I had bought it by error. When I contacted them upon its receipt, they were willing to take it back but also requested me not to do so as they would incur much duty expense. I retained the product. (3) I ordered a beautiful chess set but realized that it had costly shipping expenses; it would be shipped from China. I requested the seller to cancel the item and ordered a replacement set which was to be shipped from the USA at much less shipping. However, the first seller shipped the set by mistake. I requested the other seller to cancel the order to which they obliged. I have received the chess set, it's beautiful but the other one would have been less expensive. (4) It was a nightmarish order for a relatively expensive heater. Unfortunately, FedEx delivered it to a wrong address. I reported that I didn't get it but the seller insisted that I have received the heater! I uploaded a video showing our house and the surrounding area which did not match the place of delivery as per the FedEx proof of delivery image. However, the seller urged that I check with the neighbors and also look on the street if it was there. I empathize with the seller but the fact is we did not get the heater. Also, being cold in Ohio makes it hard to search the streets. The AliExpress dispute resolution team accepted my argument and gave a decision in my favor. However, the seller opposed it with repeated claims that I must have received it. This scenario was strange to me.

Also, more frequently than I would have liked, you order a product and later find that your order has been cancelled (the money refunded) because the seller did not ship the item. It wasted my time because I spend time by reordering from an alternate seller. It has happened to me I believe 5 or 6 times in the last couple of months.

Unfortunately, I will be deleting the AliExpress app off my phone to not order from them in the future, so we will stick with Amazon.

There is a good chance the AliExpress will respond with an apology but I assure them that they have a problem which they should address.

Tip for consumers:

I felt as if I was accused of lying to the seller. AliExpress dispute resolution should have stepped in sooner

Products used:

Many including a massager, grab bar for seniors and others

Date of experience: December 16, 2024
314 reviews for AliExpress are not recommended