What does American Standard stand for? It stands for low quality toilets, produced without adherence to standards of quality control. It stands for a toilet with only one job, that it can not preform. American Standard stands for lies and deception of consumers, with claims like: "American Standard features a 4-inch flush valve, the largest in the industry, to produce a fast, powerful flush that effectively clears the bowl", when this toilets flush valve is actually 3 inches in diameter, just like other toilets, selling for half the price of the American Standard. Four inch valves do not exist, unless American Standard is misrepresenting their product by measuring the outer diameter of the flush valve assembly, instead of the inner diameter, as measured by all other manufacturers in the industry. The toilet not only does not perform its only designated function, but the seat, that is included with the toilet, is uncomfortable and it's slow close function is also its slow lift function, that does not stay up when opened. American Standard claims that their toilets will flush a bucket of golf balls. But in reality they will not even flush down a small amount of sheet. Perhaps if you what to flush golf balls, you should purchase an American Standard toilet. But if you need a toilet to eliminate human bowel movements, then purchase a different brand. You can, as I did, purchase a toilet that performs much better in every way of the American Standard toilet for half the price and not be fulled by American Standard deceptions. I replaced the American Standard Champion 4 toilet, that I overpaid for, with a cheep brand and am much happier.