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1 review
5 helpful votes

Great if nothing goes wrong, but when it does..
December 15, 2020

I was a customer with AmiAmi for several years and ordered around 100+ items from the store during this time. For the most part I had a pain free experience and recieved items as described and in a timely manner, but then Coronavirus struck.

I had a bunch of orders shipped via SAL on or around when Japan declared a state of emergency and declared that anything in their system through this method would be returned to sender as air freight flights were cut to most countries and prioritised. This meant huge delays for the countries that were able to recieve mail from Japan which to me was OK and understandable.

Around 4 months had passed and I started to get concerned and thought that my items may have been returned to AmiAmi and reached out to them via email explaining this. They told me that they would have contacted me had they recieved the items back at their warehouse and advised me to keep "waiting". I responded pointing out that given the timing of when my items were shipped and the announcement canceling SAL flights it was highly likely that the parcels never left Japan.

Back and forth emails went between both myself and AmiAmi where I request that they kindly refund or offer store credit but they did not care. They pointed out that because the items were sent via SAL they accept no responsibility for any lost items, which actually goes against retail law in most countries which protects the consumer. After some time I told them that if they did not resolve this I would open disputes and shop at a different store. They responded reaffirming that they accept no responsibility and that I was welcome to shop elsewhere.

I believe I was more than reasonable spending several weeks emailing this company and many hours typing emails to try and get a resolution before opening disputes at Paypal. Sure enough I won the disputes and my AmiAmi account was closed.

The customer service team are very rude and they not care if you're a long standing customer. They need to put the customer before their bottom line. They never sign their emails with their real names and use "amiami" so you never know who exactly you're speaking too which is odd and something I had never seen before shopping with this company.

But you know what the funny thing is? I recieved emails not long afterwards saying that my parcels had been recieved back at their company. My account is still "banned" and they're unresponsive to emails. In short I'm banned for disputing items which never left Japan and have since been returned to them via the Japanese postal service. Odd company, very anti consumer.

Date of experience: December 15, 2020