18 reviews for Antenna Deals are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
1 review
4 helpful votes

Not a good experience. Save your time and money
October 28, 2018

Purchased the Lava HD8008 omnidirectional antenna in January. We did not get around to hooking it up until August or September. We found that the R6 cable in the Pro pack was causing distortion. We purchased a new cable locally and that issue that resolved. However, the antenna was not picking up a couple of stations 23 miles away. So not knowing if this was an issue with the antenna or our location, we went to Lowes and got an old school style
Directional antenna and tried that. It worked great so we kept that one. I tried to call Antennadeals.com to ask about a potential refund or exchange but never reached a person. I left several messages but never got a call back. Then I found a form online to submit a request for a return so I filled it out. My thought was that if there was no refund, the request would be denied and I was okay with that. Instead, I received an email a couple of days later authorizing the return with instructions. I returned the antenna and the additional Pro pack at my expense. I waited to hear back from the company. After the package had been back with them for a week, I tried to call to get a status but again, no person, no return of my message. After emailing, I was told there was no refund since it was more than 60 days since purchase and they were not responsible for their own system that authorized the return since it was an automated system and could not read the date of purchase that the system requires one to input. The person I was emailing with got quite rude, in my opinion. I called Lava asking if they could help resolve the issue and then I received an email from the owner of Antennadeals.com asking for all the details of my purchase again. They ended up giving me another RMA to return the antenna and I had to explain that they had my antenna. After a lot of back and forth, I was told if I wanted the antenna back I would have to pay for shipping. Which I did. However, I only got back the antenna. They did not return the Pro pack. I don't even think this is my antenna I received either. Then I was contacted by another person at the company who clearly got me mixed up with another unhappy customer who had left bad reviews on 3 different sites. This person agreed to a full refund if I would update those reviews to a 3 star rating. I had to tell her several times those are not my reviews. I think she finally understands she has me mixed up with this other person since I've not heard back about my refund. At this point, I am out $154 with the purchase of the antenna and Pro pack, the cost to return as per their RMA and the cost to have it shipped back. And I think I'd rather be out this money and leave an honest account of my experience than to get a refund and leave a favorable review. Something is clearly not right here. Have you noticed how every review on their website is stelar? Every stelar review on this site is from people who only have one review. If you are the type of person who takes the time to post a raving review about something, do you do it just once?

Date of experience: October 27, 2018
1 review
0 helpful votes

Antenna came quick and has picked up 33 stations
July 26, 2018

Antenna seems to work very well for me. Jeff

Date of experience: July 26, 2018
1 review
0 helpful votes

Great antenna
November 19, 2017

Antenna works great in Cheboygan, MI. I get about ten channels and most importantly I get FOX, CBS, NBC and ABC

Date of experience: November 18, 2017
1 review
0 helpful votes

Great Product
July 3, 2017

Bought a LAVA Ultra 4K antenna and it's great. I get a number of channels and the
Picture is clear.

Date of experience: July 3, 2017
1 review
0 helpful votes

Great Antenna, I love it, Love it
April 16, 2017

I purchased the Lava HD2605, received it with in 5 days including the weekend. I hadn't realized that the DVR came with it so that was an added bonus for me. I didn't put it up right away due to I hadn't received the surge/ground protector (I didn't want to keep climbing on the roof lol). I ended up putting the antenna up before I received the surge protect since they said it was going to be about 5 days. I was so glad I did put the antenna up. I'm so thrilled at how good the pictures are with the OTA antenna! My mom is also so amazed too, every channel I get is crystal clear and I've never seen such crystal clear pictures. Right now I'm getting 25 channels and I'm trilled with that but I know once I find what direction Nashville is from my house I'll get more channels. My antenna is close to 30 feet off the ground. Another thing is the rota-tor box has to be with in 50 feet of the antenna. (Ifigured this out when I hooked it all up and it wouldn't rotate, had to go back and read directions). I had another OTA antenna prior to this one and I only picked up 6 channels which it said it was to be 150 mile radius as well. But wasn't case and then the motor went out on the rotator so got a refund, then I purchased this antenna. Which I'm so so so happy with antenna. I have 3 of my neighbors interested in this antenna set up once I work out the kinks as in getting the direction of Nashville channels.
We have had a couple of bad storms extremely high winds, rain and hail and thank heavens the antenna stood up to it and I didn't lose TV during it. Depending on what channel you were watching it may have gotten a bit static through it but that's about all I've encountered. I live in a very rural area, in the valley lots and lots of trees in the views where Nashville is about 85+ miles away and Jackson is 60+ miles, Murray KY is I think 30 or so miles and I'm getting Jackson and KY channels with no problems as wells as some others.

I'm so happy with the customer service of this company it wow's me. I emailed the company about the surge/ground I hadn't received and had a reply the next day. Once I responded back to them it was shipped out immediately and I had the tracking number as well. I just love being able to email customer service instead of calling and going through all this automated crap before getting to speak to someone. So I'm so happy with my antenna and the service. I would highly recommend this antenna and company to anyone.

I've read some reviews that said Mike would scam you, well I was working with Mike directly via the first email I sent to this company. Let me say he was great, professional and sent me the surge protector/ground unit right away along with the tracking numbers. So for me I had great success with working with him. All I can say is I'm so happy, happy and like I said my neighbors and mother can't wait for me to figure out the exact direction of Nashville. Once I do then they're going to order it if I'm totally happy with getting more channels. Which of course who wouldn't be. I never paid for cable, satellite or anything like that since for me it's too expensive for all the commercials and there's never anything on I want to watch. I do have Amazon prime and the fire stick as well.

Date of experience: April 16, 2017
1 review
0 helpful votes

February 22, 2017


Date of experience: February 21, 2017
1 review
0 helpful votes

Great customer response time.
December 30, 2016

Ordered an OTA HDTV antenna based on reviews and ratings; promised a quick deliver and they delivered on their promise.

Date of experience: December 30, 2016
1 review
0 helpful votes

Simple & Great reception
December 12, 2016

Simple to install and has great reception.

Date of experience: December 12, 2016
1 review
0 helpful votes

December 12, 2016


Date of experience: December 12, 2016
3 reviews
0 helpful votes

Great vision
December 6, 2016

Watch television channels soo clear and bright.

Date of experience: December 6, 2016
18 reviews for Antenna Deals are not recommended